Yuvakalasahithy is a voluntary social organisation with progressive outlook. It was born in KPAC, the cradle of Malayalam Drama under the auspices of political and cultural stalwarts like then Chief Minister of Kerala C Achuthamenon, noted poet Vayalar, renowned play writer Thoppil Bhasi, PK Vasudevan Nair, ONV, Thirunelloor Karunakaran and many others.
The soil of Kerala is ploughed by reformists like Sree Narayana Guru, Ayyankali, Poykayil Appachan etc during the early 20th century. Till then it was known as a mental asylum due to caste based untouchability and apparthied practiced in the place. The social reform struggles became a storm and it is taken ahead by the Communist Party and other left lenient progressive forces. The dramas of KPAC questioned the social and economic inequality prevalent in the state.
Yuvakalasahithy proudly intertwines itself to the legacy of these progressive struggles. Further it expands its ambit of activities to the ecological protection and tries to promulgate the idea of sustainable development without jeopardising the life of common man. Yuvakalasahithy also puts its efforts to protect the secular fabric of the country which is under severe threat for various fundamentalist and terrorist organisations.
Yuvakalasahithy UAE is formed in the earlier years of 21st century. Like it’s parent organisation Yuvakalasahithy UAE also is committed towards its obligations to society and the Mother Earth. Moreover it is one of the major organisations fighting for the rights of Migrant Indians, especially the toiling mass amongst them. Moreover the organisation is active in welfare and charity activities for the needful. The recent efforts to send back Indians during the outbreak of Covid 19 through Chartered Flights was applauded by the migrants and the political leadership of Kerala.
Please join hands with Yuvakalasahithy to make this World a better place to live.